So, I've been ruminating on this quite a bit, what it means to be me. This is not especially about being trans*, but more about my personality. Over the course of my life so many people have tried to stifle me, control me, stop me from being me. I know why, not many people can handle my need to be busy, have fun and socialise.
I know my personality is big, I know it shits or scares some people and for that reason I've spent years thinking about trying to change it, or actually trying to be different.
I am me.
I'm loud, bold, straight forward and a bit naughty. Guess what?
Not changing. I mean if there are serious things that need to be address then yes I will, I see a counsellor
and she helps keep me on track and address change where it is needed, however, the core of my personality is who I am and I LOVE ME!
Just my self reflection for today :)