I know lots of people live with ongoing pain and find a way to cope and be happy, and if I just knew what is WAS, maybe I could do that too. Despite test after test and xrays, no-one can work out why I have these ongoing symptoms of pain, gatsro upset, fatigue and low iron. I saw a psychiatrist and he said it's common for people who've had trauma to have bodily pains and so on, but I don't think it can lower my iron to anemic levels or cause specific pain right in my leg joints that seems to be getting worse, even though my lifestyle and diet have improved dramatically.
It leaves me confused and pissed off. After the 80k drive to uni I can hardly stand up and have to lift my legs out of the car and shuffle into the building. It takes a good half an hour for this to abate, but I still have pain and exhaustion all day. Any attempt at doing anything physical, like gardening or hanging up the washing leaves my arms exhausted.
How do I stay positive? How do I reconcile the fact I'm now in constant pain in my body? If there was an answer as to why, perhaps there would be a treatment!
I'm tired of it, I google things all the time hoping for an answer, hoping to find something the health professionals missed.
There are no answers and I'm just tired of it.
P.s I need Dr House!
P.s I need Dr House!
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