
Thursday, March 24, 2011

FUCKIN TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH???

Update (and body stuff!) and lots of stuff about me've been warned!

So, it's been a year since I started to Transition (at least in the medical sense by taking Testosterone) and I thought I would start a new blog as I have changed a lot in the last year and feel very little connection to my old one.
So here's the news for now both good and bad, given there is very little info around about T and the effects I will outline them all:
  • I experienced an increasing amount of headaches and also an increase in migraines, I usually get 1 a year, I've had about 5 or so but both seem to have eased off now
  • I've had some pretty awesome hair growth, I can pretty much grow a goatee now, though the mo is a bit behind, fairly common I believe!
  • In the first 6 months, I experienced a desire to fact more like an inability to interact with people, I spent a lot of time in bed watching shows and reading books
  • I have seen my body shape change; now I have half the arse I used to have, and the fat from my hips is now sitting on my gut!
  • I feel stronger, have more energy most of the time and often feel like running at 11 at night, though again that's settling down. 
  • Muscle grows overnight, I'm always excited! I also put my shoulder out going 'gung ho' at the gym and had to take some time off from weights. 
The year itself has been of the most seriously challenging of my life. I've dealt with all the physical changes, constant exhaustion from the body stuff, coming out at work, coming out over and over again to friends and family, moving house twice,and now after a year, still hearing the wrong pronouns, even when I have whiskers!
So, I get it, I'm in the 'middle stages' of transition. I find that women try to make me fit their gender and men want me in theirs (thank bob for them!). Still only the other day at Tilleys I was mis gendered AGAIN! I can't believe it. I guess there may be a disparity between how I see myself and the world sees me....I dunno! I think that if I was really thin sometimes that might help me look more angular or something, but that might just be my weight issues.
However, I expect those who know and love me to get it right, and mostly they do which is so wonderful! I can't say how tired of am of hearing the wrong ones, I know I patient blah blah blah....I'm quite tired of being patient, and irritated that other guys after 6 months on T get sir'd all the time...what is it with my stupid body? Can't it read my brain????

Neon light flashing 'DUDE DUDE DUDE' from my brain!!! 

Sexuality is another issue that is coming up more often the last decade, I've gone out with women and shagged the occasional guy, I feel this might be changing though I'm quite happy to let that one sort itself out over time. Anecdotally this is also not uncommon for trans guys.

I have my chest surgery in 95 days, if you're interested here is a link of a guy who had his done a few years back
 I'm so excited about chest surgery! I wonder if this will stop people fucking it up?
I can't wait for chest hair to grow! I already have some, and a furry tummy so I suspect i'll be getting some :D

I'll soon be making a video update on youtube and I'll post a link here.
Next I'm going to write a blog about the gender binary and how it affects me as a trans man!