
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Post surgery - the good and the bad

Howdy all, though I would write some stuff down about surgery. I'm stoked! I have a flat chest it's looking a bit lumpy and may stay that way but we're not sure yet as it's only been 4 weeks. I may need to have a revision but a year of losing weight and working out will inform me of that!
I love my chest, I love being able to wear what I want and not have people stare at me, though the occasional person still does. Some people still 'see me' sometimes :)

The pain is almost gone, there is just now discomfort from a bit of swelling, plus the stitches reduce my capacity to move. The stitches are dissolving ones that are underneath the skin (to reduce scarring) and take up to the 3 months to dissolve so no gym till then, which is frustrating but I can walk at least!
Another effect is that I'm experiencing a bit of the post surgical blues, which I know is often quite normal. It can be due to the effect of the anesthetic plus the reduced capacity to do anything physical. It's really unfortunate at this time that my work contract ended just before surgery and now I'm looking for a new job as I only have a few hours casual work. So there are a few things going on for me, I know this is all affecting me and making me blue and I know also, that it will pass! Unfortunately, it leads to a serious lack of motivation to do anything at all!

Has anyone else experienced this after surgery?
over and out, billy t


  1. Heya my Billyness. I am so with you on the internal stitches thing, I am same same. I have the desire to do things, but not the physical capacity, I go out to get groceries and need to come home and go to bed to recover!

    I am keeping sane with the knowledge that this will pass and am trying to get myself out and walking a little bit as I know this will help with the blues feelings.

    Hugs to you.

  2. Thanks lovely :) I hope you are feeling better soon! And yes it will pass, glad about that!
    Billy xx
